Sparx Cloud Platform

Cloud SaaS Services provide a faster, more stable, secure, and user-friendly option for companies. By utilizing these services, businesses can save on upfront and ongoing IT and support costs. This is particularly beneficial for companies that want to get started quickly without the hassle of setting up infrastructure or allocating resources from various parts of the organization.

Our hosting platform includes every component under the Sparx Systems suite, including Enterprise Architect and Prolaborate, through web browsers such as Sparx Systems Prolaborate, EA SaaS, Enterprise Architect (EA) repositories, Pro Cloud Server, and Floating License Server. We utilize Amazon Web Services (AWS) for hosting to ensure security, uptime, and reliability are not a concern.

This offering is ideal for businesses transitioning to a cloud-first strategy. With modeling setup readily available through our services, architects and modelers in an organization can easily create, share and collaborate on their models with stakeholders, driving more effective decision-making.

ItemWhat do we do?What do you do?
Enterprise Architect Application Setup, Configuration, and MaintenanceJust sit back and relax!
Floating License ServerSetup, Configuration, and Maintenance Just sit back and relax!
EA RepositoriesSetup, Configuration, Backups, and MaintenanceJust sit back and relax!
ProlaborateSetup, Maintenance, and UpgradesJust sit back and relax!

The Sparx Cloud Platform offers various customized options based on the current usage and future plans of the modelers.

The following options showcases some commonly utilized variations by professionals worldwide.

Sparx Cloud Platform
CompleteVariation 1Variation 2Variation 3
Consider this option if you are satisfied with the installed EA application.Consider this option if you want to migrate EA infrastructure to the cloud but exclude Prolaborate.Consider this option if you want to migrate your EA infrastructure and EA applications to the cloud but exclude Prolaborate.
Enterprise Architect Application YesNoNoYes
Floating License ServerYesYesYesYes
EA RepositoriesYesYesYesYes

Custom Quote

Want to customize the cloud solution as per your requirements?

Variation 1

If your organization already has the EA Application installed on users’ computers, simply migrate your EA Platform to the cloud. This transition enables your modeling team to connect to a faster and more reliable cloud infrastructure, facilitating seamless collaboration. (Learn More)

This option offers a streamlined version of the platform that exclusively focuses on essential EA-related infrastructure, such as repositories and floating licenses, hosted in the cloud.

It’s an ideal choice for organizations just beginning their journey with Enterprise Architect modeling, aiming to promote efficient collaboration within the organization.


Variation 2

If you’re still contemplating on need for sharing and collaboration for EA Models, You can start with a simpler setup that includes the necessary EA infrastructure in the cloud. (Learn More)

This offering is suitable for organizations that are looking to move their enterprise data to cloud. Global teams can connect to centralized repository hosted on secured cloud platforms. The variation improves the efficiency of teams and reduces latency when compared with server-based connections.


Variation 3 (Most Popular)

By transitioning your EA Application and EA Platform setup to the cloud, your team can seamlessly use their preferred web browsers to access the EA Application. (Learn More)

This solution is ideal for organizations adopting a cloud-first strategy, enabling swift on boarding of Enterprise Architect model practitioners. Initiate your modeling journey within a week with EA SaaS.
